A 90 minute presentation given at Design Centre, Porvorim

On 18th August, I was invited to give a talk at the Design Centre, Porvorim, Goa. I spoke about my experiences as an Independent Design professional in Goa and Bombay. The joys and pitfalls of being independent, the payment issues with clients, the client- designer relationship etc. There was a full house which consisted of students (Xavier's media students & teacher), graphic design professionals, photographers, and 3 of my own clients turned up- (actually 4). Below is an audio link to the talk- thanks to Frederick Noronha for recording it. The audio dips at various places so please listen on headphones
Tags: Advertising, Graphic Design, Goa, Graphic Designers, Client-designer Relationship, Payment Issues For Designers, Art Schools, Macintosh, Dtp, Branding